nathan harris

As a South Florida boy growing up in post Soviet central Europe, Nathan understandably had diverse artistic influences, and spent much of his time lost in art or books. Never formally trained as an artist, he still managed to pursue it through school as a hobby, although after high school his art took a back seat to working “normal” jobs. It didn’t take him long to realize something was missing, though, and his desire to make a living with art started to blossom. Tattooing was a natural place for that to happen, and Nathan decided to put everything he had into it. After 15 years of tattooing, he had a vision of taking his various influences, and refining them to their simplest elements, combining the best of tattooing, classical design, and street art.

Nathan always loves working in floral, wildlife, mysticism, glam, and the surreal. His preferred style is whip-shaded black and grey, which he applies to everything from traditional/ornamental tattooing, blackwork and illustrative, and abstract/expressive realism.

Topics of conversation may include: religion/mysticism, alternate history, conspiracy theories, psychedelic posturing, and philosophy.

interested in booking with nathan?